In the Press

David McBride: "Under this government only truth tellers get prosecuted"
Twenty years from now when we look back on this period, its heroes will be those that stood with the whistleblowers, attended protests, and held their governments accountable.

Bernard Collaery, Woodside, and the carbon industry’s corruption of Australian democracy
What Witness K and Bernard Collaery have done is shine a spotlight on the fact that the highest levels of government, even in international relations, are corrupted, are coopted by polluting profiteering.

Mark Davis: David McBride's prosecution is not in the public interest
I hope Mr McBride does not face a court room. Let alone a jail cell. But at the moment, that is exactly what he's facing. There's no - we're getting no whispers, no signs at all, we're preparing for trial.

Julian Hill: The political persecution of Julian Assange is unconscionable
Eleven days from now, an Australian citizen will fight for his life in a London court as the United States government seeks his extradition. If this Australian is extradited and manages to escape execution, he will still face an effective death sentence in the US, confined in extreme isolation for 175 years.

Afghan Files Whistleblower Launches Unprecedented Challenge Against Prosecution
Lawyers for a military whistleblower, whose leaks exposed alleged war crimes, will attempt to force authorities to drop criminal charges by taking what they describe as unprecedented civil action.