XD Law to Defend Mary Kostakidis against Zionist Federation of Australia.

XD Law are proud to defend Mary Kostakidis from the charges bought against her by the Zionist Federation of Australia under s18c of the Racial Discrimination Act … for sharing tweets about Gaza.

We filed her defence at the Human Rights Commission this week. Her instructions are clear - she will not be intimidated, she will not be gagged, she will not stop covering international events as she has her entire career. And that includes Israel, warts and all.

“The Australian Zionist Federation is weaponising Australian law in an attempt to curb criticism of Israel for its acts of genocide. I won’t be intimidated by them in the face of the slaughter of tens of thousands of children, hundreds of doctors, nurses, journalists and other civilians.”

- Mary Kostakidis

Since the conflict in Gaza began Mary has been a force on Social Media giving live updates, sharing reports on the devastation there and accounts of ordinary people trying to survive it. And she is still at it.

Over the past 40 years Mary, the face of SBS news for 20 of them, has been a central figure in building a tolerant multicultural Australia. It is that reputation that her opponents are seeking to tear down because she has dared criticise Israel.

“Imagine a situation where we can criticise our own government’s policies and actions but not those of another state, depending on how powerful and cashed up their lobby groups are.”

- Mary Kostakidis

They will continue to defame me in the press but please remember this is happening to journalists, academics and others all over the western world. We are on the right side of history and international law. I have no trouble standing up to bullies.”  MK

Mary first heard that the complaint had been filed through an astonishing press conference conducted by the CEO of the Zionist Federation and a partner at the law firm bringing the action. Side by side they attacked her, her reputation and her life’s work without restraint. Clearly her opponents have an eye to score public hits upon Mary irrespective of the commission proceedings.

We have her covered in the courts. There is no fundraiser yet but if you want to help defend Mary now do it in the public spaces where she is under attack.

Defend free speech for all Australians. Defend social media. Defend Mary Kostakidis.


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